6 days until SIWC… 6 sentence styles to test out in your writing

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6 days until SIWC, so here are six styles of sentences (found in recent readings!) for you to take a peek at.

Thanks Shan, Katie, Aaron, and Lena for chasing these down in your reading:


1. The Interrupted  Sentence

Maybe he should have stopped—showed them that he wasn’t afraid—but the muscles in his legs began running, and the bones of his feet came away from the earth. –Madeline Sonik, “The Boy Who Flew”

2. Rhetorical Question

It was probably here own unique style of whatever, so who was I to judge? –Mark Jordan Manner, “A Bit Maybe, but Probably Not”

3. The Simple Sentence

Time passes. –Veronica Gayle, “Oh Kelowna!”

4. Simple Sentence: interruption

The bench, the maroon car bench in our garden, is his home now. –Susi Lovell, “Waves”

5. The Compound-Complex Sentence

Her voice was precise, without a trace of sorrow, but she took the picture and stalked back in the bedroom angrily, as if he had not understood what she meant and did not want him looking at it anymore. –Kate Cayley, “Young Hennerly”

6. Simple Sentence: afterthought

I recite passages from my novel to him, the sexy parts. –Mark Jordan Manner, “God’s Bones”


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